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  • Blue Mist is a beautiful blue-gray granite with sparkling specs of black and white. It is perfect for stairs, patios, walkways, and pool copings.   

  • Blue Mist Granite available at TLC Supply:

    • 2" Thick Treads: Lengths from 3' to 10' and Widths between  12" - 24". 
    • 6" Thick Steps, Fillers, and Landings in various sizes.
    • 1¼" Thick Random Sized Pattern Stock:
      • ​​​12" x 24" |  12" x 36" |  18" x 18" | 18" x 24" | 18" x 36" |  24" x 24" |  24" x 30" |  24" x 36" ​ | 30" x 30" | 36" 48"

    *Please contact TLC Supply for pricing & availability.


    Custom orders and fabrication for treads, steps, landings, caps, hearths, mantels, posts, etc. are available  upon request. Please contact TLC Supply for a quote.

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